Specialist Auckland Traffic Lawyer

If you’re dealing with charges under the Land Transport Act 1998, and you’re looking for an Auckland traffic lawyer that can represent you in your case, we can help. Here at MutchLaw, our team specialises in all charges under the Land Transport Act 1998, including, but not limited to, careless, dangerous, reckless, sustained loss of traction and drink driving cases. Traffic law cases—especially cases involving excess breath or blood alcohol levels—are taken very seriously in NZ. In many cases, the penalties associated with drink driving in NZ may be harsher than you’d expect, including mandatory driving disqualification periods.

For many, driving is vital to everyday life. It’s likely that you drive to work or to transport your family and loved ones. At MutchLaw, we can also assist you by determining whether you have grounds to advance an application for a limited licence. Disqualified drivers may apply to the same District Court that they were disqualified in and appear before a Judge, stating good reasons why they require a driver licence. The grounds upon which a limited licence can be granted are narrow and require that the driver will undergo extreme hardship, or another person will experience undue hardship due to a driving disqualification. The NZ police will decide whether they oppose the application, and we would discuss the application with them prior to appearing in court.

Being convicted of a traffic offence can impact your life in multiple ways, making it more difficult to find employment, obtain insurance, etc. At MutchLaw, we can help you with your charge by exploring whether there are any defences available or mitigate sentencing if a guilty plea is entered so you can keep driving with limited restrictions. We can help you avoid the worst of these complications by limiting the impact of sentencing on your life.

Read on to find out more about traffic charges in New Zealand or contact me now with the form at the bottom of this page to discuss your case.

Traffic Penalties in NZ

The penalties for careless, dangerous, reckless, sustained loss of traction and drink driving in NZ can vary based on the specific circumstances of the case. At MutchLaw, our goal is to ensure that charges that warrant a lighter sentence—such as a fine—don’t end up penalising a driver with an unwarranted sentence, which could include disqualification or even imprisonment.

It’s important that you know you have options when faced with traffic charges. It’s common for defendants of traffic cases to face their first charge, which can be daunting. At MutchLaw, you can trust us to help you navigate the legal system and secure the best possible outcome for you.

Our process

We aim above all to make sure that everyone who needs it can access good legal representation. Without legal representation, your chance of reducing your sentencing is limited, and you could also prolong your legal proceedings. We also place a high priority on offering clear and easy to understand advice, so you can make the best decisions possible for yourself.

Our process begins with an assessment of whether there are any defences available. If no defences are identified, and the advice is to enter a guilty plea, if possible, we will look at whether there is an option for a discharge without conviction so that no conviction is entered on your criminal record. Suppose you do not have adequate grounds to advance an application. In that case, we can then move to mitigate the sentence or potentially apply for a limited licence so you can continue travelling for work.

To find out more about our track record and what we can offer you and your case, talk to us today. Reach out now through the details below.

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